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Touchless Faucets: Myths vs Facts

Touchless Faucets: Myths vs Facts

Debunking the five most common myths about touchless faucets facing installers.

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Choosing the right faucet range for every project – big or small

Choosing the right faucet range for every project – big or small

Whether you are designing a residential project or hospital, you need a range of faucets that can be made to fit every demand. Faucets that can be installed anywhere, for any purpose.

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Building durability into every faucet: This is how HANSA faucets are made

Building durability into every faucet: This is how HANSA faucets are made

See how quality materials, expert craftsmanship and extensive testing make all the difference.

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How technology can customise faucets to customer’s needs

How technology can customise faucets to customer’s needs

From more efficient installation to smart monitoring and adjusting, app-controlled faucets can improve your daily work. Explore how in this article.

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The top water-saving faucets of 2020

The top water-saving faucets of 2020

Shorter showers are just one way to reduce water waste in our homes. And with technology helping us to cut consumption by up to half, here is how these top-selling faucets can help you cut water...

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Debunking myths about touchless faucets

Debunking myths about touchless faucets

Why touchless faucets are a good match for any project – no matter the size Smart faucets are more efficient and cost-effective than you might think.

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