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Debunking the five most common myths about touchless faucets facing installers.

Demand for touchless faucets is growing, both for private and project markets. But for installers everywhere, a flurry of myths around touchless faucets have added confusion around the real advantages.


So, to ease you into the future and get you ready for your next project, we’re busting the myths and sharing the facts on touchless faucets.




The myth: Touchless faucets are difficult to install

 The facts:

  • Touchless faucets can be installed even faster and easier than a traditional single-lever mixer faucet.
  • An electrical connection is usually not required, and touchless faucets utilise the same infrastructure, washbasin configurations and fixing parts as traditional single-lever faucets ­– so there’s no need for added holes or special adaptors.
  • Plus, all touchless faucet models are equipped with flexible pipes, making it easier to install than copper pipes, especially when space under the sink is limited or tight.


The myth: Battery life is short requiring frequent battery changes

 The facts:

  • SMART faucets require lithium batteries which last 3 to 5 years.
  • A blinking red light on HANSA touchless faucets lets your customer know when it’s time for a battery change, which they can easily do in minutes.
  • HANSA Connect App, which comes with our touchless faucets, also displays battery life status.


The myth: Touchless faucets are only for public places

 The facts:

  • As more and more people experience SMART faucets in schools, day-cares and offices, they become inspired to install them in their homes. We see the demand in private homes growing exponentially.
  • HANSA offers a wide range of SMART faucets, in a variety of attractive designs, that are easy to install and perfect for home and public use.

The myth: Temperature cannot be adjusted on touchless faucets

The facts:

  • Some touchless models are available without temperature control – these are specifically for public places.
  • However, many HANSA SMART faucets have a small lever on the side that allows for easy temperature adjustments.


Many HANSA smart faucets have a small lever on the side that allows for easy temperature adjustments. More adjustments can be made via the HANSA Connect App.


The myth: Touchless faucets come with sensor malfunctions

 The facts:

  • Our reliable PSD (Position Sensitive Detector) technology ensures that our sensors respond precisely to hand movements.
  • This offers smoother usability compared to IR (infrared sensor) technology.


Want to see what styles you can offer your customers?

Explore our range of smart faucets


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