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Don’t be fooled by these myths about touchless faucets

Don’t be fooled by these myths about touchless faucets

Touchless faucets aren’t just for public places anymore. Find out how easy they are to have in your home.

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5 easy ways to find the right faucet for the kitchen, bathroom or any sink

5 easy ways to find the right faucet for the kitchen, bathroom or any sink

Whether you’re renovating your home or you just need to replace an old faucet, there are a few questions you can ask to help identify the right model.

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How SMART faucets promote hygiene in health and care facilities

How SMART faucets promote hygiene in health and care facilities

Now more than ever, hospitals and elder care homes have safety at the top of their agenda. Planners and installers can help by offering SMART sanitary solutions that prevent contamination and fight...

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5 easy ways to help your customer find the right faucet

5 easy ways to help your customer find the right faucet

You’re in a hurry and so is your customer. Here’s how you can help them choose the right faucet – and be sure they call you for all their plumbing needs.

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The best way to clean your faucet and keep it as good as new

The best way to clean your faucet and keep it as good as new

Today we are all more focused on keeping our kitchens and bathrooms clean. While you aim to get rid of germs and microbes, it pays to understand how to clean effectively without accidentally damaging...

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How touchless faucets can help beat the spread of germs

How touchless faucets can help beat the spread of germs

We use and rely on faucets every day. But, as much as we keep them clean, they can still be a breeding ground for germs and viruses. To improve our health and safety, something needs to change.

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