Hansa (21)

Mobile Product Information – quicker access to relevant product data
HANSA has taken an effort to answer to the needs of the mobile work of the installers with a mobile solution. The Mobile Product Information (MPI) is offering a handy user interface to different kind...
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Touchless faucets for maximum hygiene
Viruses, bacteria or germs - every person is exposed to a wide variety of pathogens every day. If these enter the body via the nose, mouth or eyes, they can lead to infections. The simplest and most...
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Interview with the doctor: How to wash your hands properly
Touching door handles, using your smartphone, or simply shaking hands the good old-fashioned way – every day, all day, we come in contact with the most widely varied forms of bacteria, viruses and...
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To reduce the complexity and improve its competitiveness, Oras Group plans to restructure its European production. The company plans to close down the Burglengenfeld plant. The corresponding...
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Sanitary trade association once more selects HANSA as ‘Trade’s No.1 brand’
The success story continues: since the questionnaire began in the history of the mi-Services Review for Sanitary faucets, HANSA has held the top position every time. And that’s how it was again this...
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