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The Rosenhügel in Vienna’s south-west quarter is an unusually attractive and luxurious residential scheme with 204 self-financed units. Embedded in a green, park-like landscape and yet with a lively infrastructure, this modern architectural concept is drawing the attention of more and more people who appreciate both their personal space as well as a variegated lifestyle – and who have high expectations regarding where and how they live.



The residential units were designed to have premium-grade showers, bathtubs and washbasins in keeping with the owners’ anticipations and providing a pleasant bathroom atmosphere. A variety of fittings from the HANSA | HOME and HANSA | LIVING segments were selected to meet these needs.





COUNTRY: Austria


CATEGORY: Housing industry

PRINCIPALRosenhügel Entwicklungs-, Errichtungs- & Verwertungs­gesellschaft

UNITS: 204 Residential buildings



In the shower area, the large HANSAVIVA overhead shower provides a special degree of comfort and an invitation to relax. The washbasins were equipped with HANSATWEN fittings for the extra comfort provided by their high spouts. The installation was simplified by means of our grid-based HANSAMATRIX system for optimal spatial planning.




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