Bath and tile rim systems – How to make sure everything works the way it should
Troubleshooting bath and tile rim systems: What to do when the roll box no longer works, how to replace the shower hose and how to find the right parts for your project?
Read moreHow to make the most of HANSA’s digital tools
From digital product finders and product comparisons to QR codes and promising AR technology, here’s how installers can makeHANSA’sdigital tools a vital part of theirdaily work routine.
Read moreThe role of faucets in our future homes
From hybrid homes that intelligently merge our work and living spaces to bathrooms designed for relaxing, dwelling and collecting important health data. How has the way we use bathrooms and kitchens...
Read more3 must-have features for a fast and simple shower installation
Why is it so important that shower solutions can be shortened and why should installers be aware of adjustable bar holders?
Read moreHow smart resource-saving faucets help project planners tackle rising electricity costs
Today, keeping the carbon footprint of new building low has become an integral part of project planning. Whether it’s about meeting strict sustainability targets or accommodating fluctuating energy...
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