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A perfectly matched faucet concept for Hygna Chalets

A perfectly matched faucet concept for Hygna Chalets

Learn about how the wide range of HANSA’s faucets managed to completethe well-matched Hygna design concept.

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Architecting a flagship faucet experience onboard one of the world’s most climate-smart passenger ships

Architecting a flagship faucet experience onboard one of the world’s most climate-smart passenger ships

When Viking Line planned the design and interior of its new passenger cruise ship, Viking Glory, equipping the 222-metre vessel’s bathrooms and kitchens with the right choice of faucets was a smooth...

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How to consult your customers on sustainable faucets

How to consult your customers on sustainable faucets

Long-lasting and resource-efficient installations are in high demand – today more than ever before.

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Add more value to your home with a smarter, more eco-friendly kitchen

Add more value to your home with a smarter, more eco-friendly kitchen

The kitchen is the heart of the home and at the top of the list when it comes to home improvements. But what improvements are adding the most value?

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Safety first: Top 5 safety features in the bathroom

Safety first: Top 5 safety features in the bathroom

Having safety top of mind when picking out or upgrading your fixtures can be key for reducing the risk of injuries happening in the bathroom. By ensuring safe water temperatures, eliminating the risk...

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The doctor has spoken: the best way to wash your hands

The doctor has spoken: the best way to wash your hands

Over the last few years, we’ve all gotten an education on the importance of washing hands. Adrian Busen M.D. gives his best advice for how to do the task right.

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